Christophe a fait un travail de nettoyage, déronçage et evacuation dans notre jardin. Il a aussi taillé une grosse branch d'un cerisier et nous sommes très contents avec son travail. En plus, il a bien nettoyé après les travaux! Il est sérieux, aimable et pendant les travaux, il a sauvé la vie d'un hérisson en hibernation! Nous n'hésitons pas a le recommander.
Christophe did a great job of clearing a mass of brambles from our property which had completely defeated us. He also pruned a large branch from a cherry tree and has taken away all the waste. He cleaned up very well after himself and as a bonus, rescued and re-housed a hibernating hedgehog! He works hard, is very competent and a really nice guy. We have no hesitation in recommending him.